Monday, October 12, 2009

I’ve decided to put my grittier, revenge filled story on hold while I edit something I finished. A 300 page sorta romance novel. This story took about two years to write. I worked in the evenings after work and weekends, pumping out pages and pages of longhand. I tend to start out hand writing everything, sometimes not in order. So part of my process is arranging pages in order, throwing out stuff that does not work, switching passages from end to beginning etc.

Now, I feel I have things in order. Parts may be missing – I’ll add them later as needed – but the story is finished. The piece can stand on its own. It just needs to lose a bit of weight. Like most of us, it carries a bit of extra baggage. And it’s like looking at yourself in the mirror. Sometimes, you just don’t see what’s really there. You see what you believe is there. Your brain is conditioned to see things a certain way. Plus you have an idea in your head of what “should be.” Not necessarily what IS. So I read the story and know this or that happens and leads to this other thing. You the reader may follow along and get to a point and say – What the heck?! How did you get to this point?

So, that’s why I love my faithful friends who read my stuff and tell it like it is. Don’t spare me the details. Give it to me straight! I love criticism. Without it, how can one grow?

Selfish plug alert!

So if you’d like to read this story (and other stuff I’ve written!), please wander over to and look up Phoebe Miller.